jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017

The unicorn was sleeping

The unicorn was sleeping in his meadow of stars,
Under the sweet moon, the unicorn slept
The grass got embraced him.
Snow, emerald and amber,
The unicorn slept,
His ivory, powerful magic in his meadow of stars
And the moon sweetly rocked him
And the grass tenderly covered him
And the stars in the meadow shone a fair, soft and sleepy light
To accompany him in his sleep,
And a light breeze flew by
And the breeze caressed the unicorn’s foam,
Long mane of foam from unknown seas
And the grass became fluffy under his white, so white velvet
So white, his body of velvet.

And the moon rocked him to make his dream more tender,
A slow, beautiful, gallant sleep
Made of eternity

And the moon wished his dream never ended
The moon wished
It was a never-ending dream, that time could not undo,
Like the fringes of a dream that had never happened,
The moon had hope
She did not want him to wake up from the dream
Snow, emerald, amber and seas
The moon did not want it

But the sun arrived, burning, insistent, hasty,
The sun arrived, threatening, reckless, belligerant
And he claimed his place
As the sun always did

The moon had no power, against the sun
In their eternal battle.
The moon knew she had no power
Against a mass of burning fire that destroyed everything
The moon was peace, and she knew, and she forever knew
That she was moon, she was peace
While was the sun a war.

And the moon, weeping, left her place to the sun
Eternal, hard battle, that she could never win
Watching the sweet unicorn, the moon cried

And to the meadow of stars, arrived the sun, that respected nothing,
The sun that woke the stars, the grass, the breeze, the seas
The sun, that started burning the magic of the velvet,
The foam of the sea
Snow, emerald, amber and sea foam

And the unicorn woke from his slow and sweet dream
And he looked around
And everything was sun and fire
When his lakes the unicorn opened
Lagoons of time, lagoon of dream
Innocent lagoons that time could not corrupt
Blue, shinning, eternal lagoons
That had seen everything
Immaculate innocence that time did not corrupt

And he looked around him
And slowly, the cloud of sleep owned his mind
And he saw himself once more
And he saw white maidens with golden halos
Who approached him, looking for comfort.
Maidens that were allowed to caress his foam
And he saw that knight, that knight shiny in his golden armour
He saw how the knight a thousand dragons slew
With his brilliant spear of justice
And he saw other knights, handsome, valiant, fair
Who fought the evil
Who rescued damsels in distress
Who battled for them
Who adored only them
As you adore a goddess locked in a faraway temple
And he heard that squire, with love woes
Looking for his eternal advice
And he remembered how the squire could reunite with his beloved
His advices of time
Advices that nothing knew about pain or grief
The innocent unicorn never knew about that
And he saw high castles arising from the mountains
And he saw heroes, and he saw maidens, and he saw his friends the fairies
And he saw rainbows and goblins and he saw his beloved
His beloved, his eternal beloved, who wanted to vanish
His beloved, his eternal beloved, who vanished centuries ago
When she knew that the world was world no more, it was Nothing
When she saw that in this Nothing nobody remembered them
When she saw that in this Nothing, nothing were they.

Covered in oblivion, when the world became another
Surrounded by people who believed in nothing
By people who believed that they never existed
That they were nothing but a tale, for the children of Nothing,
For children who believed
For adults who then forgot
And believed in nothing

And the unicorn, white foam, blue lagoons
Wanted to follow his maiden
Wanted to take her path, the path of oblivion
Wanted, with her, eternal her, vanished away
He wanted to go with her to the Forgotten Kingdom
With the fairies, with the goblins
With the white maidens with golden halos
With the handsome fair men
And with that bird they once knew
Who was reborn once and again from his ashes
And with those threatening dragons who kept inside warm hearts
And with the men-horses
And with the scintillating fauns
And with the white horse, who flew so high

But he could not, the unicorn, white foam, blue lagoons
Suffered the worst condemn
To live his life in the world of Nothing
To exist forever, eternal,
Without his beloved
With nothing
In the never ending oblivion of people who did not believe
In the nothingness
And tears of ice fell from his lagoons
And the pool grew at his feet
When the tyrant melted them

But finally the moon came back, triumphant, gleeful, peace
Wishing to envelop him in a happy dream
The unicorn, white foam, blue lagoons
And his meadow was once again a meadow of stars
And the grass was once again a silent haven
And the sweet breeze once again caressed his foam
And the grass became fluffy under his soft velvet
Snow, emerald, amber and seas

The unicorn existed

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